Travel Sketchbooks
Registrations Closed

Travel Sketchbooks

A 7-Week Course for adults who would like to sketch from life!

Add to calendar:
Thursdays from 8 February to 21 March 2024

9:30am - 12:30pm

Be Playful; ​Be Bold; ​Be Adventurous; ​Be Joyful!
This course will be all about PLAY-ing with Pen & Wash in Nature!

Materials Levy $60 or Materials List (to bring.choose your own supplies). 
 Dress comfortably prepared to play with paint. Bring your lunch and Tea/Coffee will available.

What to Expect

.... if you allow yourself to play-sketch without expectation ....


You will have a lot of it.


You will learn techniques to help you quickly get your message down.

Artists' Eyes

You will begin to see with 'new' eyes / 'artists' eyes.


We will meet at different locations around our lovely city.


You will discover the joy of drawing and/or painting your adventures, at home or away, while expanding your vision and understanding of what is possible when travelling.

The Unexpected

You may encounter the unexpected - people coming to look, ants & flies coming to annoy, and Toowoomba weather!

Go With The Flow

You will learn to 'go with the flow' - enjoying the outdoors!


You will be with Like-minded people.

Come with me on a journey of discovery ....

  • Discover the joy of creating from what's in front of you.
  • Discover a readily available way to de-stress from life.
  • Discover a brand new language called 'Travel Sketching'